So I'm writing this on the eve of the US presidential inauguration. Yep, that one.
Suffice to say that it feels like now more than ever, the world needs a bit of common decency.
So in solidarity with our cousins across the pond, we have teamed up with our former label Wah Wah 45s to donate 100% of the sales revenue* of our 2013 album Common Decency to this list of organisations for the next 7 days.
These are organisations who are fighting the good fight in the face of some of the terrifyingly regressive politics which look set to dominate the US for the time being.
It may not be much, but we feel strongly that we all need to do our bit, however small, to stand up for progressive values.
So if you don’t have Common Decency already (or do, but would like to buy another copy as a gift or whatever), please do consider buying a CD or downloading . Please do buy through Bandcamp if you can, as it’s easier for us to track the donations, and the charities will see more of the money than through iTunes or wherever. Also note that you can pay more than the asking price if you like, and we will pass this straight onto the charities.
If you do have it already, or would prefer to donate directly, please do just that and show them that there are people all over the world who feel strongly about these issues.
If you buy the album and have a preference over which charity you’d like your donation to go to, please specify in the sales note (along with a message to pass on if you like); otherwise we will distribute evenly between them.
In related news, some of us are considering changing instruments: never has playing the Trump-et felt more demeaning (and it already felt demeaning at times, take it from us).
This post is also on Facebook, so head there and share if that’s your bag, or tweet, email or even tell someone about it face to face, should you so wish.